Lose Weight-Gain Muscle: How To Lose Weight Quickly And Gain Muscle Fast-2 Books in ! (Get Lean, Lose Fat, Build Muscle)

200 Quick Tips For Losing Weight Fast and Building Muscle Quickly

This Amazon Kindle book is two books combined. Robert Rain and Jordy Christo have teamed up to present to you fast weight loss methods and quick muscle building techniques.

Book 1-How To Build Muscle Fast: 25 Quick Ways to Grow, Increase and Gain Muscle Mass Fast

Book 2-How To Lose Weight In One Week-100 Exercise and Diet Tips to Help You Lose Weight Fast

Here are a few testimonials from satisfied customers:


“I love the list format of this book. I would not have wanted to read paragraph after paragraph on diet tips. I`m going to make an effort to follow some of the tips in this book. The tips won`t do me any good if I don’t follow them. Some tips seem very simple, like having an Apple before a meal. Some tips would be difficult for me, like not eating in front of the tv or computer. I will try some of the simple ones first, just to get me started.”


“I have been on several diets through the years and easily identified with the authors suggestions on how to lose weight in one week. A lot of the ideas presented in the book for losing weight fast are things I already knew, but it was really good to have the reminders of how to lose weight. It is more like a guide that you can grab ideas from to assemble your own diet and exercise plan from.

There are several things I liked about this book:

1-It’s an easy read, straight forward and to the point

2-I was able to quickly assemble my own diet plan to lose weight in one week from the suggestions

3-I actually lost three pounds in one week

This book is well written and has great ideas in it for losing weight fast.”


“If you are a interested in learning about weight training and muscle building, this book is a quick beginners guide to learning the basics of diet, exercises and reaching goals. As someone who has been doing weight training for a while now, I can say the tips in this book work.”

Description of The Kindle Book About Building Muscle Fast

Do you want to know how to build the size of your muscles fast? This list is going to build a solid foundation for you to stand upon for increasing the size of your muscles fast. The bodybuilding suggestions given are not geared around workout routine specifics; you will have to rely on your personal trainer for those.

Instead, the author presents easy to understand tips that will positively enhance four areas of your life:

-What and how you eat in order to build muscle

-How and what you think so you bulk up fast

-How you spend your time so you can get ripped faster

-What goals you set and how to successfully fulfill them

Gaining muscle mass quickly is all about doing the right things in a repetitive manner. You have to establish a routine that works for you. The author provides common sense ideas for creating a schedule in your life that will help you gain the muscular body you want.

Description Of The Kindle Book About Losing Weight Fast

This guide provides one hundred guaranteed weight loss tips that will help you lose belly fat quickly. From these tips, you can formulate a diet and exercise plan that is personally tailored to your liking. Do you want to lose weight fast – in one week – while eating the things you like?

You will find within these pages a multitude of ideas for foods to eat, ways to exercise and easy to understand principles that will help you drop weight fast.

Why would you want to follow someone else’s diet plan that says you need to eat cottage cheese when you hate that particular food? With the One Hundred Weight Loss Tips guide, you can lose weight while eating things that are pleasing to your palate.

Tags: lose weight gain muscle, lose weight build muscle, fast weight lose, quick weight loss, how to build muscle fast, how to lose weight fast, fastest way to lose weight, fastest way to gain muscle, build, building

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